Fishing Report
Idaho Fly Fishing Report
Silver Creek • Big Wood • Lost River • Mackay Reservoir
- March 5, 2025

March 2025 Report
Silver Creek Weather temperatures have increased considerably as we moved into March. Afternoons temps have reached up to 50 degrees! Some anglers have been out taking advantage of these spring-like temps. We will see fluctuations in weather this month and the prospects for more snow are high. Spring is possibly just around the corner. Look for Midge activity and the odd Mayfly such as the small BWO’s. Remember, the lower section of Silver Creek from Hwy 20 bridge west of Picabo and downstream is open year round.
Big Wood River The Wood River is open till the end of March and then closes to fishing until Memorial Day weekend. Like Silver Creek, on the warmer afternoons fishing can be good with Midge or BWO’s. Streamer and nymph fishing also can produce hookups. With the current March snowpack, the water content in this drainage is approximately 110% of average. Not bad!
Big Lost River The Lower Lost River has been fishing well with the same hatches as Silver Creek and the Big Wood mentioned above. This river drainage is open year round.
Mackay Reservoir Its frozen but is slowly rising and is now at 53 feet. The Lost River drainage snowpack is at 100% of average, so we are expecting the reservoir to fill completely by early to mid May!
- February 6, 2025

February 2025 Report
Silver Creek Great News! The fishing season has been expanded on Silver Creek. Downstream of the highway 20 bridge just west of Picabo, it’s now open year-round. This will greatly add more angler opportunity during the spring months. There are some terrific hatches of midge with a few PMD’s during the cooler months April and May. The temps have been fluctuating wildly the past couple of weeks. We received the warm “pineapple express” storm a few days ago and it dumped near two feet of snow. What a blessing and that will add to our snowpack reservoir and aid the summer river flows. Today the temps dropped again into the single digits.
Big Wood River We are expecting another snowstorm tonight and into tomorrow. I doubt we will get as much snow as the last storm, but every little bit helps! The river is flowing at low winter flows. Fishing can be good in the afternoons on warmer days. The entire drainage is now up near 100% of average.
Big Lost River Winter low flows on the river with great fishing on warmer days. Drainage nearing 100% of average snowpack. More snow tonight.
Mackay Reservoir Frozen so it’s an ice fisherman’s dream.
- January 21, 2025

January 2025 report
Silver Creek Happy New year! Presently the temps have been down to 5 below zero at night with daytime highs in the mid to high 20’s. Sufficient to say with these temps and slush ice floating in the stream, there’s not much fishing.
Big Wood River Like Silver Creek, the slush ice is flowing on the River. Winter fishing will improve once temps rise probably in February. The good news is that the winter snow-pack and water levels are way ahead of last year and our at 90% of average. This bodes well for summer water levels.
Big Lost River Dido for the Big Lost River. Too cold to fish. Temps can turn around quickly for the winter fisherman. The river drainage is about 80% of average. We will no doubt receive more snow in February and March adding to our snow-pack and summer water flows.
Mackay Reservoir If your an Ice fisherman with a portable tent of sled/hut, its worth a try. The water levels have risen to 48 ft.
- November 9, 2024

November 2024 report
Silver Creek As of the first week in November, there’s no snow on the ground with a light snow dusting in the mountains. Temps are down to the teens at night and rising up to the low to mid forties in the afternoons. The brown trout spawn is about over for the autumn season. Tributaries and the Nature Conservancy Preserve will close to fishing December 1st, reopening memorial Day weekend. Downstream of Kilpatrick bridge, fishing remains open till April 1st.
Big Wood River The Wood river is flowing at 160 cfs. Fishing remains good in the afternoons as temps rise. The river remains open till April 1st, reopening Memorial Day weekend.
Big Lost River The river below the reservoir, flows are at 60 cfs. Like the Wood river, fishing is best in the afternoons as temps rise. Fishing remains open year round.
Mackay Reservoir Since the dam releases are low, the reservoir level is slowly rising again by approximately 6 inches per day. Currently it is at 30 feet. It will not be long if temps drop in late Novemeber early December, surface ice will develop.
- August 1, 2024

August 2024 report
Silver Creek The weather has been somewhat of a mixed bag. During the last days of July, we saw some light rain showers which cleared skies and cooled temps. The Creek is fishing well in the mornings with Trico Spinner falls. There are a few PMD’s, Baetis and Callibaetis mixed in. The Blue Damsels are out as well and trout have keyed in on these bugs. Evenings are producing a few Caddis right on dark. Hopper fishing is looking good with a robust population.
Big Wood River The river is flowing at 200 cfs in Hailey. We have seen a few Tricos in the mornings and great Caddis hatches in the evenings. Hopper fishing has picked up.
Big Lost drainage The lower river is flowing at 470 cfs. Tricos are out and there’s a few PMDs as well. There are many Craneflies buzzing around as well. Wading is a bit difficult but fishing is good. The upper river is fishing fairly well but the early/mid season hatches are finished. Evening Caddis activity is strong. Wading is easy now.
Mackay Reservoir The reservoir has dropped 16 feet since its peak of 66 feet in mid June. Its now at 50 feet. Fishing remains good. Look for the Kokanee Salmon to start their spawning run by the 3rd or 4th week of August.
- June 24, 2024

June/July 2024 report
Silver Creek Now that the warm summer temps have arrived, fishing has been best early mornings thru mid day and again late evenings. We are seeing a few Callibaetis hatches and the Blue Damsels are starting to increase in numbers and becoming a real player. Hoppers are starting to show along with other terrestrials such as Ants & Beetles. See photo of a stunner Brown trout caught along a shadowy bank early morning while I was guiding David on a size 12 Black Beetle.
Big Wood River The river has dropped considerably and is now flowing at 625 CFS in Hailey. With the warm weather look for water temps to increase which should kick off the first major hatches of the summer. Those hatches are Green Drakes, Western Quills, Little Yellow Stones and Golden Stone Flies. Once these hatches get going, this allows for some of the best fishing of the entire summer/fall.
Big Lost River The Lower Lost River below the reservoir is flowing at 540 CFS. The Nymph fishing is stellar! Like the Big Wood, the first major hatches are about to begin. Look for PMD’s and Little Yellow Stones. The River above the reservoir has dropped and is now at a level that anglers can wade carefully. Keep an eye out for the Green Drakes to start hatching in the near future.
Mackay Reservoir The reservoir is full and at 66 feet. With the snowpack runoff done, the inflow is dropping and the reservoir is slowly dropping. Fishing is great!

Idaho Fly Fishing Report
David T. Glasscock
Idaho Angling Services
Guided fly fishing 208.720.8169
Idaho Angling Services, LLC
208 David Street
Bellevue, Idaho 83313